
2006-12-10 8:02 pm

回答 (2)

2006-12-11 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔cut A公司,然現有第二間的人壽,但A只要畀多約2700,你就可安枕無憂,而且算係你資產的一部分,可作後備抵押換低息。(其實最好唔好買D唔死取回錢的純人壽;應買儲蓄人壽,唔死都有得取回錢),其實除本身保障額21萬外,會否有紅利滾存之類,若果有那就不只21萬,而且滾存愈長,所得紅利會愈多。而第二間的人壽,由於新做,可能會缺乏A公司保單某些的好處。(請小心衡量兩份保單的內用及其利害,才作出決定)
2006-12-11 9:47 am
First of all, you have to know what purpose you need to buy insurance first, buying insurance counts your age / job / family need and protection.
If you are young, no need to take care of family, buy a little bit accident death is enough, and buy more savings insurance.
If you are in the mid age, then big bigger accident death in case for the old and child, and buy more medical (because you are getting old). If you company provide you medical, then you no need to buy extra from outside.
Like you case, i think you are a lady around 30-35. (Should buy some female protection plan instead.)
Remember one thing, buying accidential insurance is to protect the people around you (your parents and child).
Buying medical insurance is for yourself, you should know your health situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:13:15
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