各位攝影前輩,本人是DSLR Canon 400D新手一名,想請教各位買鏡頭的意見

2006-12-10 2:29 pm
前輩們,小弟現有kit 鏡 EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 II 及 人像鏡 EF 50mm f/1.8 II 兩支, 配合新買的canon 400D 使用.對用開卡片機的我來說,兩支鏡的吸引力已經不少
現在小弟有意增添鏡頭,主要作影人像及超遠攝為主(300mm左右,因為靈活性大些),以加大影相的靈活性,而budget 在$4000以下, 希望各前輩指教以下幾點:

3.EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III 或 EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III USM 好用嗎?

另外,買鏡頭或accessory在那裡買最好呢?之前有人介紹天祥,那間公司是否有甚麼優點呢(e.g 平d? ) 而它們是不是賣水貨的?因canon 網頁找不到它的名字. 水貨的話會否冇咁好?


非常感謝兩位! 這些都十分實用 另想問一問,EF 70-200mm f/4.0 L USM Zoom 係咪即是小白? 剛看了kaawaii 介紹的70-300mm F4-5.6 Macro Super II APO 及 到 CanonEF 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 III USM ,前者真的好多正評wor! 但原廠同佢差唔多價錢, 2支都係$1500附近,邊知好D 呢? 本人主要想學影人像及遠鏡

回答 (2)

2006-12-12 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
CANON 初學者有三寶,其中兩寶,你已經有了!

就是 SIGMA 70~300 F4-5.6 APO Macro DG
看 示範吧!效果和你要的那2枝 CANON相差不遠!

不過這枝鏡 只需 千五元左右,有餘錢,其實可考慮添置 閃光燈 (430EX)

1 CANON 年年有鏡頭出,難免有雷同,近年為1.6 x 的DSLR推出的EFS鏡,更多類似了

2 SIGMA 70~300 值得入,影遠得,影近得(MARCO),影人像也有靚的淺景深!

3 買的時候,聲明要行貨,這些大鋪不敢以水充行。水貨都是關係免費保養的問題。

2006-12-13 12:50:17 補充:
EF 70-200mm f/4.0 L USM Zoom慣稱 “小小白”!" 小白"是 恆定光圈 F2.8 那一枝!小白 比 小小白 的 重量 和價錢 都大約多 2/3
參考: www.ecpz.net
2006-12-11 12:23 pm
if 主要作影人像 then your 50mm f1.8 would be a good start... if so try out the 85mm 1.8 .. it would give out good background blur....

the ideal range of of 人像 is around 80-135mm on Full Frame (35mm film panel)... thus on your 400D (which using a smaller "film panel" thus producing a 1.6x crop of 35mm) your lens selection would be 50mm (on 1.6x crop camera like 400d is around 80mm) and 85mm (on 1.6x crop camera like 400d is around 136mm)

tele lens: for targets further away... I would say that between your choices on question 3 - is older version vs newer version - USM = ultrasonic motor - which is a speical faster motor for you AutoFocus (AF) - briefly lens with USM will AF faster without most of the time. For those lens... I would suggest Sigma's 70-300 Macro - which is the best balance between price and picture quality....
if you do not mind spending a more I STRONGLY SUGGEST Canon EF 70-200 F4L which gives you on of the best picture quality that Canon produces

as for wide... stick to your kit lens... it is not bad of a lens for that price...

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