
2006-12-10 1:56 pm
我想問下呢, 如果我想將一d本來係bmp format既相轉做jpeg format, 用Photoshop點樣可以一次過將所有相轉format, 因為成百張相, 唔想逐張轉呀... 有冇Photoshop高手可以幫下小弟呢~?!?!

我用既係Photoshop 7.0

回答 (1)

2006-12-11 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
photoshop 7.0
have "action"
you can use action save first time the save jpg step
you can go to batch
choic you want to change photo format folder
and slect the action name
tick the button is ok
all photo will change format to jpg

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