我用Yahoo! GeoCities 做好了第1頁(index個頁),第2頁應點整??? 同埋個名要叫咩??

2006-12-10 8:53 am
如我用Yahoo! GeoCities 做好了第1頁(index個頁),第2頁應點整???點禁?? 個名有冇指定要叫咩??

回答 (3)

2006-12-10 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
咁你再 create 第二個檔,
不過你做左既 index 果頁就要 打 index.html 或者index.htm

2006-12-10 01:02:42 補充:
咁跟住其他檔你可以大楷細楷都無問題。當你完成第二個檔,假設你將佢命名為 abc.html咁你係 index 果頁加呢個code:<a href =“abc.html”>

2006-12-10 01:07:53 補充:
基本上,個連結上會顯示返你個連結個網址,如果你想在連結上顯示你想要既字,假設 「XYZ」,你可在<a href =“abc.html”>後加上XYZ </a>,即是:<a href =“abc.html”>XYZ </a>當然,你打 <a href =“abc.html”>XYZ </a>時,個<>“ ”同埋 /打返英文打法啦,因為呢度如果打英 (不是全形),係顯示唔到架

2006-12-10 01:12:55 補充:
你再有甚麼不懂,可以add 我,[email protected],不過我要星期四後先照顧到你,時關我要溫考試
2006-12-14 10:17 am
我是到這個網站 學習網頁製作
希望對你有幫助 網址如下:

2006-12-12 3:49 pm
In Yahoo! Geocities, you need to creat the first page as index.htm or index.html, than you can creat another page, just click New Page to creat, but it usually is in HTML.
If you have index.htm or index.html, you cannot creat another page as the same name. For example, you save another page as bbst.htm, but it is different as the first page. The visitors always go into homepage (index), you can link it too.

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