womens bodies are dangerous bodies critically evaluate this statement?

2006-12-09 5:32 pm

回答 (14)

2006-12-09 9:57 pm
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Critically evaluate?
It's a one-sided statement.

The human species comes to two genders. The genders are more often than not attracted to each other, but as the old saying goes, "It takes two to tango."

If I'm reading this statement as it is intended, the meaning is men should avoid seeing women's bodies because the are "dangerous." However, the "danger" is a direct result of the men's thoughts as much (and frankly probably more) than the way the women look. Our bodies in and of themselves are not dangerous - we are the way God made us. However, thought processes can be controlled. They can be trained.

There is also the concept of a "self-fulfilling prophecy" - ie. if you expect something to go a certain way, more likely it will because you act in accordance with your thoughts. Change you thoughts, change your attitutudes, change your actions.
2006-12-09 5:42 pm
I think woman's bodies are lovely.
2006-12-10 3:03 am
Well since we are evaluating the word "this" we should consider all aspects of its meaning in that it could be as this or that and even a not-this or not-that. The word is comprised of "th" and "is" which is also consistent with the theme of "this", wouldn't you say?
2006-12-10 12:07 am
As you can see from the answers you've got, this is not really a good place to post the title of your sociology essay............
2006-12-09 8:41 pm
Give me danger every time
2006-12-09 5:41 pm
well this is what i think,
women use their bodies to attract and lie , they get to the point where they want by being sexy many times men follow women for their bodies( sex ) even if they are married , they should be aware that these bodies (and sex) are sometimes harming them ,
these bodies even if they look pretty and attractive etc can lead men to where they shouldn't be ( steal their monies, put them away of reality etc)
am not saying that women and sex are harmful , they can be peace full and the best thing men ever need , but they should be care full in what they choose as well
2006-12-13 2:53 pm
Rogue meteors are also dangerous bodies - if they hit you. Evaluation - don't let them hit you
2006-12-11 1:10 am
They are no more dangerous than mens bodies.
2006-12-10 3:12 pm
it's just my opinion....
women bodies can done many things...
can make somethings cant happened to come true...
how? if women knew to use their body as a weapon.. i think that men sure can't stand for it right?? haha^^
however, it leads a bad result to women too...
that's why got so many raped case occurred... right..??
2006-12-09 5:34 pm
Only to those looking for danger

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