My ambition is a dentist.?

2006-12-09 3:32 pm
As i mentioned, my career is a dentist
i am only 15 years old right now. my mom told me that it is time
to choose my career. The problem is that
i don't know anything about teeth, medicine;;; all that...
when i finish my studying, Which college should i go??
how should i start studying to become a dentist.
(what should i study??)
How much is the salary for one year?
and where can dentists earn much money in which country (and city) ?

As i mentioned, my career is a dentist.. and i'm from Korea/// i am only 15 years old right now. my mom told me that it is time to choose my career. The problem is that i don't know anything about teeth, medicine;;; all that... when i finish my studying, Which college should i go?? how should i start studying to become a dentist. (what should i study??) How much is the salary for one year? and where can dentists earn much money in which country (and city) ?

回答 (8)

2006-12-10 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, it's time to start thinking about your career direction, but you don't have to necessarily choose the ONE right now.

If you want to be a dentist, start by going to a good college so you will have a better chance of admission to a dental school. Dental schools are becoming harder and harder to get into, so a good college helps. I do not know the school in Korea, so I can't help you choose.

It helps to look into the requirements for admission to a dental school and work backwards. This will help you choose your college major and it might even help you choose your college. Typically, it is easier to match up the requirements for dental school admission with the requirements of a science major and biology seems to be the closest match. You could be a history major if you wanted to be, but then all of your electives would probably be used up trying to take courses required for dental school admission.

Typically, you graduate from college with a bachelor's degree and then start dental school, which is a whole separate entity from college. Some colleges offer combined programs where the really bright and focused student might be able to combine some credits and actually enter dental school before receiving the undergraduate degree. Obviously, you would have to know this well in advance, as it might even determine where you apply to college. You do not have to disclose this intention as you are applying to the college, but you need to look into the program almost immediately, because it will determine quite a bit about what courses you need to take as soon as possible in college.
2006-12-09 3:41 pm
heh.... What country do you live in?

You need to finish high school.

Then you need to go to college. It doen'st matter which one, as long as you study a pre-dental curriculum and get pretty good grades. You'll take chemistry, biology, a little physics and whatever else you need to graduate....english, psychology that kinda stuff.

Your third year in college you'll take the DAT which is like the MCAT for dental schools. Make sure you buy a prep book....

Then you have to apply to dental schools. I'm partial to Ohio State but there are many good ones. If you live in a developing country like Pakistan or Cambodia, you might think about getting yoru education in US, Europe, or Japan, which have top of the line schools with the latest technology.

Salary varies where you live. In the US I think you can usually earn 70-80,000 your first years out and then it only goes up. However, once you own your own practice, it depends how much you charge, how good you are at getting patients, what procedures you do, how much you pay your staff etc etc etc. I know dentists that earn 2-300K a year.

Here's the most important thing - before you decide to do ANY of this, go ask YOUR dentist (or any other friend of the family or whatever) if you can observe them for a few days. Watch what they do and see if you could do that kind of thing. You might say, "Whoa, that's boring" or "Ewww, that's gross" or whatever and realize it's not the job for you.

good luck!
2016-08-24 12:28 am
Hi there, just wanted to mention, I liked this discussion. valuable answers
2016-03-13 5:06 pm
Do some research in the disciplines you enjoy. Take an career inventory test. That can help you to put what you like and do not like in perspective. Talk to your school counselor about possible careers that encompass what you love most. Shadow a few prospective career choices. Meaning, go to a professional in the field you are interested in and ask them if you can hang around and observe them for a day. Dont panic. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you. Explore all your interests! And have fun doing it!
2006-12-09 8:27 pm
LoL . In ways your mum is a fool . Your still young . And be live me if you don't know any thing about teeth you will not be a dentist . Because which i was only 14 . I had to learn all about the types of teeth there were . And what are the thing's in side the tooth . You would have to be very smart . And you would have to pull some one tooth out . Or even drill a hole in there tooth . (its called a filling ) . And you would have to me more that a little me smart . But there is good money in been a dentist . And you would have to study 2 science subjects . At higher level at your last year in school . And one of them must me Biology . And biology is like a different laughed it gets that hard . So if you find subjects hard in school . Becoming a dentist will not be for you at all. And next year I'm going to be doing my last year in school . And I'm going to study for a Bachelor of dental surgeon . And why would you want to be a dentist after all you don't know anything about one tooth . So just dream on . (Sorry) But i mean that . But you don't even know what a tooth looks like in side . And what a Maley is
參考: My mum is a dental .
2006-12-09 8:07 pm
First finish High School. You can go to library and get books on dentistry to give you a little outlook about it. Talk to a school counselor, they can give you more information that will suit your needs.
I am sure biology or the study of the anatomy would be required courses.
Send appliactions to various schools of dentistry
Salary, I have no idea, but remember many people cannot go to the dentist regularly due to the prices a dentist charges .Insurance plans don't pay so great.
Do something you really want to do and be happy with it, money helps but it is not everything. You may change your mind in a couple years.
2006-12-09 4:53 pm
Being a dentist involves much more than just having a dental degree. The work is hard and the responsibilities are great. Before you decided for sure on dentistry as a career, I might suggest trying to either watch a dentist work for a day or perhaps volunteering in a setting where free care is being given. That will give you an idea of the close, personal, hands on care that a dentist must deliver. In the US, most dentists are independent and their salaries are governed by what is left over after all their expenses are paid. Today's dentistry is highly technical and demanding whether the procedure is implants or tooth-colored restorations. A dentist is a real doctor and should be well-trained and dedicated. In addition to having the mental preparation of education, dexterity and good hand-eye control are important, as is the energy to perform sometimes exhausting work. Being a good conversationalist and teacher also helps. I don't know how much dentists earn in other countries, nor do I know how much of the responsibility a US dentist has is a requirement elsewhere.
It's a hard job when it' s done properly.
參考: I am a Registered Dental Assistant in the US. I have worked with patients for 25 years. Personally, I really like it and respect our profession---although there are dentists I know who should not be allowed to practice due to their lack of skills.
2006-12-09 3:42 pm
I don't recommend aspiring to be a dentist if you're just going to do it for the money, but if you're really enthused about the career, sign up for as many math and science classes as you can in high school and strive to succeed in them. I plan to go to school for pharmacy next year, and colleges really like to see that you tried in high school, so take honors, AP, CIS classes if they're available at your high school. Also, be involved! Join extracurricular activities that interest you.

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