
2006-12-10 7:59 am
我想問宜家香港邊到有得買火雞呢 ??同埋大約幾多邊 !!

回答 (3)

2006-12-15 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
惠康有 100g7元, 一隻都成3-5磅.大多係巴西黎既
百佳都會搵到, 就100g6元, 都好大隻架!!
而citysuper都會搵到, 不過就貴d, 100g就10元, 一d就一隻計, 看下你需要幾大隻啦
2006-12-10 8:08 am
I think that in city super may be sell
2006-12-10 8:05 am
As far as I know, Maxim also have Turkey ready made to sell.
Just book in advance is okay.

I think "Great" in Pacific Place also have Turkeys

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