
2006-12-10 6:14 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-14 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
sesveral things to note

ceiling rendering --- wether there's water mark? better go and look after heavy rain so the water seepage will appear

insulation of the roof ---- can be tested and go to observe at around 5-6 pm since the heat gathered in the afternoon will release from the R.C.

lift machine room's noise --- as most lift have their machine room at the top floor or roof
u may hear the machine moving especially very late at nite

also views --- if not a good view then y buy a top floor? it's just an investment reason

also in case of fire u have to run down many floors to the ground or even if there's a refuge floor it's still harsh to me , u can sure go to the roof however, u just waiting people to rescue....rather passive

only my stupid point of view.....hope can give u some ideas and help
2006-12-10 6:38 am
會容易漏水,現在唔漏,但是經常日曬雨林,長年纍月, 就會出現裂縫, 所以預左遅早要維修
2006-12-10 6:17 am

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