writing a MC speech

2006-12-10 4:37 am
I'm gonna be a MC in a Christmas Party

may i know what are the points that i should note?
also can anyone tell me sth abt the must-say official words and or may be some light jokes or gags?

should also include the introducing sentences for the follow events:
2.) the director of my company is gonna deliver a speech, how can i introduce him on the stage?
3.) we also have a lottery/lucky draw program
4.) all the guest will be served with buffet dinner

thx for a million!

回答 (3)

2006-12-10 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Below is my proposed script. (I have been an MC before). You can edit in your circumstance as you think fit.

Welcome everybody to this festive event. I am ....(name and designation). I am honoured to be the MC tonight and I hope we will all have fun as we will have a Iot of games and competitions. We will also have delicious food served as a buffet and of course, the most wanted lucky draw. I must tell you the prizes are the hottest stuff in town, like ... (give a little detail) and I am sure you do want to stick around and see if you will be the lucky ones.

Now, we are honoured to have Mr. xxx to say a few words on behalf of the management. Welcome Mr. xxx.

2006-12-09 21:51:58 補充:
By the way, thx for a million = you thank someone who gave you a million (of something). You should say "thx a million" = you thank a person a million times.
2014-07-11 10:38 pm
SAI Events提供專業司儀會先了解一對新人的背景,再配合要求,將每項流程編排妥當,帶領新人及來賓融入氣氛,令整個婚宴更具生氣,更添特色。 用心為每對新人提供貼心服務,迎合您既需要,婚宴上大搞氣氛,令全晚婚宴更加難忘。
2006-12-10 10:46 am
Good evening, my fellow colleagues. Welcome to (your company name)'s Christmas Party. My name is (your name) from (your department), and it is my pleasure to be your MC this evening. We have prepared a wonderful program for you this evening. And, before I go into details, let me first mention a few housekeeping items.

The dinner is served buffet-style, and we have buffet stations on the two sides of the ballroom. Soft drinks and beers are available at the end of each buffet station. Ushers will be coming to your tables to inform when you can proceed to the buffet stations.

You can find the cocktail bar in the rear end of the room. Please make sure that you help yourself to the specially prepared fruit punch and eggnog. In the middle of the room, you will find the dessert table full of miniature delights.

During dinner, XXX will be singing Christmas carols on stage to get us all into the festivity mood. After dinner, staff members from the XXX department will perform an act titled "The twelve days in office leading to Christmas." I have been told that it is very hilarious. So, if you are afraid that you may laugh off your chairs, you may want to rush out and buy a restrainer now.

After the act, we will proceed to main event of the evening -- the lucky draw. We have wonderful prizes this year: the grand winner will receive a 14-day paid vacation for two (yes - that is in addition to your regular vacation days) to Europe. The first prize winner will receive a 50" XXX Plasma TV, and the second prize winner will get a PS3 entertainment package. We are giving out a total of 50 prizes.

When you registered, you should have given the top portion of your ticket to the reception for an entry to the lucky draw. If for any reasons you missed that step, please raise your hand now and an usher will come to your table to collect your ticket. Remember to hold onto your stub because you need that to claim your prize.

I know that you are now all very excited about the remaining of this evening. Before the program officially begins, I would like to invite our director, Mr/Ms/Mrs XXX, to come on stage to share a few words with us. Please give a warm hand of welcome to Mr/... XXX.

(speech from the director)

Thank you very much Mr/... XXX. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce that the 2006 Christmas Party has officially started. Enjoy your evening, and I will see you back here after dinner.

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