
2006-12-10 4:34 am

"find me here, my tiny feathers.."

我搵左呢首歌好耐架喇...有冇人可以話我知個名係咩? 同埋邊度有得dl..?


回答 (1)

2006-12-10 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
這首歌叫"ring your song", 這兒有這首歌: http://music.163888.net/openmusic.aspx?id=5259061

Now we've come so far from darkness
and will never be apart
so we leave for tomorrow
to start our lives again

find me there, my tiny feathers
of my holy ancient days
you will calm all my sadness
and ring your song
only for me

find me there, my tiny feathers
of my holy ancient days
I will calm all your sadness
and sing my song
only for you

這首歌真的是很好聽呢~ ^^

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