Change to Reported Speech

2006-12-10 4:10 am
Change to Reported Speech:

Sally said," There was no peple."

回答 (6)

2006-12-10 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sally said that there was no people.



[email protected]


2006-12-09 20:31:35 補充:
我想講既係= ="...1.Reported Speech只有一個轉法....2.Reported Speech入面....was o係果句野入面....係片語用....所以was都係唔駛轉...用返was3.如果係作動詞用....都係轉做has been.....所以had been係100%錯既...只會係was

2006-12-09 20:33:03 補充:
2006-12-10 4:52 am
Sally told that there was no people.
2006-12-10 4:24 am
Sally said (that) there was no people
參考: grammar book
2006-12-10 4:18 am
Sally said (that) there had been no people or
Sally said (that) there was no people
2006-12-10 4:17 am
Sally said that there had been no people.
2006-12-10 4:15 am
Sally said that there had been no people.

2006-12-09 20:17:00 補充:
要轉reported speech...present tense會轉做past tense..但past tense會轉做past perfect!!

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