網球 Tennis訓練班....請問...20分

2006-12-10 1:22 am
請問有無人參加過 Tennis Association 香港網球總會既訓練班?
教成點? 好唔好?

any coaches recommend whom have taught you ( I mean the courses....) ?

回答 (3)

2006-12-10 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
my personal view is 一分錢, 一分貨.

they have many coaches. u can check out which hour and location you want to join and who will be teaching that class. Some coaches are good, some are better...

but don't expect to learn the same amount of stuff as in private lesson, even if the same coach is teaching.

2006-12-19 00:22:33 補充:
i only know one good coach (class 3) but i guess he's coaching "tomorrow star" youth prg in Chaiwan. A very good coach Tong (young guy, former No.1 in HK) also teach kid's class in Victoria (i am not sure if it is HKTA class)
2006-12-12 6:21 pm
Beginners, Inter or Advance courses 不要期望8堂就有Strokes同打到tennis
Beginner Course: 教 Groundstrokes forehand, backhand, volley & serve.
8 堂你只會學到個stroke 要練就同一時間報康體班(練波教練一對十八).一星期一次網總.二次康體練波.又平又快,就算去一次康體都有得練.
Inter course: D人多數就練波同揾腳,但D波會快過Begin 好多.
Advance: 學來打比賽,但coaches 年紀大好慢.

HKTA-ITF coaching course 是教 kenetic chain, 但HK coaches 大多數教舊式,所以你學的同你在TV看到Pro 打的不同
Add: nearly fully now!!!!!!!
2006-12-12 7:41 am
本人參加過初級班,因為網總給他們指引,所以一般(正統)的手法都會cover 到,至於好唔好就見仁見智喇。 有d 經驗比較多(而且多數學員都係有錢太太)o既教練,吹水時間就相對較長,feed 波時間亦比較多(而且feed 得唔係好到位,但佢會話"feed得咁好都打唔到呀"....咁囉)。本人亦見過隔離場o既叧一位教練,佢o既教法就投入好多,會同學員打成一片。

本人建議你先到球場觀察 (可上網總o既網址找舉辦訓練班的球場),及問問那些學員,找出合自己心水的教練。

本人亦曾向私人教練學習,兩者是不能比較的。若果只係想學基本手法,参加訓練班是可以的,但若果希望keep住打及有進步,建議訓練班之後再找私人教練跟進 (當然budget 係另一個issue 啦)。

2006-12-10 6:14 pm
Good,I had get a gold

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