
2006-12-09 11:56 pm
水要evaporation 就要gain energy,過程中令particles kinetic energy raise
而particles kinetic energy raise,咁水的temperature 咪會升lor??


回答 (4)

2006-12-10 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
食水可以導電, 不是因為食水本身, 而是當中的金屬礦物!


純水只要加入苛性鹼(NaOH)之類的電解質就會導電了,那是因為電可經由電解質解離出的陰、陽離子傳導。電解質的定義→ 熔融狀態或溶於水中解離成陰、陽離子能幫助導電者,稱為電解質。 至於電解質大致可以分為兩種:1.金屬加非金屬(離子化合物) 2.酸和鹼

純水的導電率低, 兩端接電線再接上電源及燈泡, 燈泡不會亮. 完全純水的電阻率為18.3 MΩ-cm@25℃, 超純水的電阻率在17 MΩ-cm以上, 一般純水電阻率在1 MΩ-cm以上. 自來水的電阻率只有5 kΩ-cm, 導電性佳, 接近高溫時鎢的電阻率.
一般說來, 加些容易解離的酸, 鹼, 鹽, 就可以增加導電性.


參考: me
2006-12-10 1:47 am
參考: me
2006-12-10 12:49 am
水要evaporation 就要gain energy,過程中令particles kinetic energy raise
而particles kinetic energy raise,咁水的temperature 咪會升lor??

Particles in water have a distribution of kinetic energies (KE), some have lower energy whereas some with higher energy. Those particles near the water surface with energy high enough to escape from the attractive force between particles will be free from the surface to get into air. This is evaporation.

After the high energy particles have gone, the mean energy of the remaining particles decreases (owning to the presence of lower energy particles). Since the mean energy is a key factor to the temperature of the water, the decrease in mean energy indicates a drop in water temperature, i.e. the water cools on evaporation.

Heat from the surroundings then flows to the water because of a temperature difference. This would make some water particles to gain higher energy again. When sufficient no. of particles have acquired energy high enough to escape into the air, the process is then repeated.

Pure water cannot conduct electricity. Normally, water contains minerals which contribute to the presence of metallic ions that make water to conduct electricity.
2006-12-10 12:02 am
參考: 我所學的知識

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