what is the difference of a lot of and lots of ?

2006-12-09 10:48 pm
它們在用法上有何分別 ?

回答 (1)

2006-12-10 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
以我認識,其實無乜分別,兩個都可撈亂用,雖然有人認為 a lot of 較 FORMAL,式合書寫, lots of 則較口語。以下是網上搜尋結果。

Lots of is simply more informal than a lot of. They are more common than much or many in affirmative sentences. ... Just make sure your verb agrees if a lot of or lots of refer to the subject of your sentence. ...
www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ grammar/learnit/learnitv49.shtml - 29k -

英國 BBC 的網頁當然會較傳統觀念。

The difference between a lot of and lots of is that the > first one is more formal and mainly used in writing. Lots > of is commonly used in speaking. However; both words have > the same meaning. ...
www.ego4u.com/en/community/ forum?action=show&id=6577&fid=4 - 16k -

上面說 a lot of 是較 FORMAL,式合書寫, lots of 則較口語。

As I understand it, there is no difference between "a lot of" and "lots of". They are completely interchangeable in my book. It has nothing to do with being countable.
www.painintheenglish.com/post.php?id=13 - 21k


There is not much difference between a lot of and lots of: they are both used mainly before singular uncountable and plural nouns, and before pronouns. It is the subject, and not the form lot/lots, that makes a following verb singular ...
faculty.washington.edu/marynell/grammar/agreement.html - 17k

上面說兩個可用在單數眾數數到的名詞和代名詞前面。是否單數是決定於個 SUBJECT,不是 lot 和 lots 的分別。


plural, countable

There are lots of errors, the date formats are wrong, there are elements that are not in RSS that aren’t in a namespace ... As I’m sure a lot of people have learned the hard way, a spec doesn’t really do anything without applications to ...
scripting.wordpress.com/2006/01/11/ welcome-to-the-wonderful-wacky-world-of-apple-rss/ - 62k

uncountable and countable

... the conference call from Sergey Brin: "We spend a lot of time working on our two core areas of search and advertising," said Brin. ... YouTube is simply another way Google will effectively own lots and lots of media to show ads. ...
blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/061010-070814 - 62k -

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