有無人可以講Ice Age2 個故事內容俾我聽下ar~?

2006-12-09 9:21 pm
唔該......最好係英文~ 中文都得*

回答 (2)

2006-12-09 9:36 pm
故事講述:「樹獺森仔(尊利格薩武 聲演)、長毛象文輝(雷羅曼諾 聲演)和劍齒虎大阿哥(丹尼斯利爾 聲演)以為冰河世紀將結束是一個傳言, 竟然置之不理. 直至三位發現冰山開始溶解之時, 才開始怕怕. 文輝誤信謠言, 以為自己是世上最後一隻長毛象, 心裡常大上大落, 幸而愛莉(Queen Latifah 聲演)在他眼前出現, 到底文煇絕望的雙眸會重現生機嗎? 更重要的是這對歡喜冤家最終會放下一切的堅持, 成一對夫婦嗎?」
2006-12-09 9:33 pm
Manny, Sid and Diego return in another incredible adventure. The Ice Age is coming to an end, and the animals are delighting in their new world: a melting paradise of water parks, geysers and tar pits. But when Manny, Sid and Diego discover that the miles of melted ice will flood their valley, they must warn everyone and somehow figure out a way to escape the coming deluge.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:57:59
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