美國community college

2006-12-09 8:22 pm
就過左黎usa做exchange student!!
讀high school 11班..."
下年想升community college(tourism)有咩學校會收嫁..??
ps::最好向西岸 or New York..


但我聽日講..唔洗嫁..!!!! 因為通常exchange student.. 都未夠18歲.. 但之後佢地都可以升到..!!! (high school 未grad+冇考hkcee)


咁我又唔清楚呀.. 但o個d program係讀咩嫁.. 會唔會讀major? 定讀番high school d 野!!!!?


咁其實即係向college讀high school!! 同你根本係讀college都冇咩分別lo wo??? 向o個到讀high school又係讀pre d 野.. 真係讀college又係要讀pre o個d野..


咁我又唔明啦.!!! 你話high school宇grad入唔到community college!!! 但係有d high school既program 向cc讀.. 又係讀o個d野..!!! 咁即係正係個名唔同..???

回答 (2)

2006-12-09 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As long as 你夠18歲, 就可以申請讀community college, 東岸西岸都一樣.  

但你要記住睇番時間send application同考入學試, 因為每間嘅deadline都唔同.

其實如果你已經讀緊high school, 可以叫你個student councilor幫忙, 有問題都可以搵佢呀.


2006-12-09 12:49:32 補充:
Forgot to say, 你未讀完high school, 考GED meet 到requirement就ok. 唔駛考SAP, TOFEL or any other open tests.

2006-12-09 19:08:33 補充:
以我所知, 一係就要high school grad, 一係就要中五grad(不須HKCEE), 一係就18歲(乜都未grad都得, 但要有GED). 有d community college有 program係俾啲學生一路讀high school一路讀community college 嚟慳錢慳時間, 你會唔會係講緊嗰啲呀?

2006-12-10 02:35:16 補充:
梗唔係讀番high school d 嘢啦! 唔會咁快讀到好多major嘅class. 大部份都係d GE 同major 嘅 pre-requisites. 就算全職讀college都係咁架. 俾你讀major d class都跟唔上啦.

2006-12-12 17:22:24 補充:
當然唔同啦. High school 邊會有junior college咁多唔同class俾你choose 呀. 況且, 你冇讀/冇pass AP class, 都係要係college 讀架喎. 我唔係好明你嘅問題.

2006-12-12 17:30:10 補充:
By the way, 喺high school 讀 AP係唔駛錢. 讀緊high school嗰時讀 junior college 啲 program, 比起正式讀college時逐個credit計平好多!

2006-12-16 15:42:03 補充:
Those programs has limitation. You can't take just any courses like the students who have been admitted to the regular junior college program.
2006-12-09 8:27 pm
你下年要升讀12班,考SAT,考TOEFL,Grade 12 畢業後community college才會取錄。(西岸情况)

2006-12-09 12:28:34 補充:

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