
2006-12-09 8:05 pm

學習的興趣:每當我在家中感覺到沉悶的時候,便會拿notice出來溫習,來加強和培養自己對學習的興趣 .


回答 (2)

2006-12-09 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3.1. End comes for a year, I can work out: Every day eats the breakfast Does not eat the night Not partial eclipse Every time meets the holiday to make the movement Strengthens the low resisting force With eats food from food Pyramid, to foster the balanced good diet custom, guarantees my body physical ability healthily to grow
3.2. Daily sleep 8-10 hour Every day most little drinks 8 cups of water Little eats the high fat, high cholesterol food Eats the high textile fiber, the high protein nature, the high vitamin, is high calcareously and so on food, reduces as far as possible eats outside the fast-food restaurant and street food Enhances own health
3.3 I can formulate eat food the three meals a day timetable, fosters a diet fixed time custom

4.1. Study ability: Whenever meets in the study has not the clear place, immediately explains to teacher and the schoolmate and the friend, is sure need to make oneself each stage the study all to be able to understand with the absorption Study interest: Whenever I felt in the home is sad, then can take notice to come out the review, strengthens and raises oneself to the study interest. I future will work ability: The goal is needs to learn the traveling and aviation industry's knowledge and its his aspect knowledge in these two years, for example: The academic society has put on make-up, this will be very useful to the future work I will be able to become above these ability which I will work in the future
4.2. Work interest: I can penetrate the interest which the future two years will excavate oneself works, for example: I can penetrate conversation between the friend and schoolmate's and they give my opinion and of the merit understood and excavates own interest
2006-12-09 8:25 pm
3.1.End comes for a year,I can work out:Every day has the breakfast.Does not have a night-time snack.Not partial eclipse.Meets the holiday to make the movement every time.Strengthens the low resisting force.With eats food from food Pyramid,Forms the balanced good diet habit,Guarantees my body to be able healthily to grow.
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