幾 題 數 學. ,, 好 easy 架!!

2006-12-09 7:11 pm
要 Steps !!
1 ::A man sells a carpet for $70 and gains 10%. How much does it cost him?
2 ::Mr. Lee sells a car for $50,000 and gains 20%. How much does it cost him?
3 ::What is the selling price of an article costing $10 and being sold at a gain 10.5%?
4 ::A merchant bought a dozen pens at $12. At what price must he sell them to make a gain of 20%?
5 ::A toy which cost $56 was sold at a gain of 12 %. Find the selling price.

回答 (3)

2006-12-09 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 ::A man sells a carpet for $70 and gains 10%. How much does it cost him?

Original cost
= $70/(1+10%)
= $70/110%
= $70/1.1
= $63.6364 (to 4 dec. place)

2 ::Mr. Lee sells a car for $50,000 and gains 20%. How much does it cost him?

Original cost
= $50000/(1+20%)
= $50000/120%
= $50000/1.2
= $41666.6667 (to 4 dec. place)

3 ::What is the selling price of an article costing $10 and being sold at a gain 10.5%?

Selling price
= $10 * (1+10.5%)
= $10 * 110.5%
= $10 * 1.105
= $11.05

4 ::A merchant bought a dozen pens at $12. At what price must he sell them to make a gain of 20%?

Cost of a pen
= $12/12
= $1

Selling price of a pen
= $1 * (1+20%)
= $1 * 120%
= $1 * 1.2
= $1.2

Selling price of a dozen of pens
= $1.2 * 12
= $14.4

5 ::A toy which cost $56 was sold at a gain of 12 %. Find the selling price.

Selling price
= $56 * (1+12%)
= $56 * 112%
= $56 * 1.12
= $62.72

2006-12-09 11:20:09 補充:
小小補充:第四題因為沒有說明是一支還是一打的 selling price,所以最好的答案是將兩者都寫出來。
2006-12-09 8:26 pm
1.::A man sells a carpet for $70 and gains 10%. How much does it cost him?


2. ::Mr. Lee sells a car for $50,000 and gains 20%. How much does it cost him?


3. ::What is the selling price of an article costing $10 and being sold at a gain 10.5%?

2006-12-09 7:31 pm
1 ::A man sells a carpet for $70 and gains 10%. How much does it cost him?
=$63&7/11(mixed number)
2 ::Mr. Lee sells a car for $50,000 and gains 20%. How much does it cost him?
=$41666&2/3(mixed number)
3 ::What is the selling price of an article costing $10 and being sold at a gain 10.5%?
4 ::A merchant bought a dozen pens at $12. At what price must he sell them to make a gain of 20%?
5 ::A toy which cost $56 was sold at a gain of 12 %. Find the selling price.
參考: myself

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