
2006-12-09 6:51 pm

回答 (4)

2006-12-10 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
我認為 弟兄有更重要的事 要先明白左先了...
就是, 信耶穌,唔同 拜假神....

唔會 話 得! 同<唔得!>
唔係 去守一d <咩可以做,同咩唔可以做 >去信的.....

其他的教 ,會說, 人不可如此...! 但無解釋點解, 又會俾人覺得 做左的話, 會死丫...會得罪左...就好大件事....

神 不是甘.
神係 一個 同你有一件 好好的關係
由 你信了他開始, 你就同佢有一件關係....
因為 那一件的關係 ,你就可以上天堂 得救了...

至於, 好多人 說, 有d真的基督徒, 有d得個外表, 有d係假的. 有d好些的信....有d無甘好....

全部都唔需要 理佢的!
因為 在我地信了 天父的一天開始, 我地全部的人 就是 佢的仔仔女女
沒有好一d 同差一d
更不需要 去怕做錯事, 小心d 重視神的心意, 神係天上面 係看得倒的
不同 以前所信的, 又要 做d咩 去就 d日子....做d咩去 保救....

只需要 記住,
<你以前的 一些唔著的 地方都已經 過去了,因為神 說 你已無罪釋放, 你就已經 無罪釋放了...

再沒有人可以 說你有罪!
因為當 法庭上的官 公開說 你已無罪時, 無人可以 說你有罪,
就算有人 說你有! 都係 假的


第二, 你可以 為左了解 我會唔會做錯了一d事呢?
去祈禱 求問神的心意
不需要 每每都 藉著人, 當然 ,我地仲係 需要人,
但唔係 以前的 有去找人 才會 知道 對. 與錯
一切都由你 信了的一日開始, 神的靈 住係 你的心裡面
今日若你 心裡 有不舒服, 不平安, 你就 停止 那手上做緊的事
去找找神 求問佢...
那叫做, 神的電話 找你.....神打來的電話響了....
神 唔再係 一個, 你唔認識, 又好怕的神
佢係你的朋友! 佢會 主動找你, 親自說俾你 知, 咩係 對你好, 咩係對你有損的

當然 ,做朋友 你都會 成日得罪佢
但 今日, 你不再怕! 不用再怕!
因為 那已經不再係 你以前所信的! 黑社會大佬...

佢係 你的朋友, 你若無意地得罪了佢, 只需說對唔住.
因為 一切係天上面的父, 係會 知道清楚的.....

如果 你有意去做一d錯的事, 你說三次對唔住都無用
如果你係 無心做了, 你只需說一次, 或係心裡 表示 認錯...
不是 怕佢傷害你,去認, 係真心地 知道,了解自己錯了在何處.....

如果 你係 重視祖先(已故的人) 你可以 除時係心裡 想念佢

但 絕不用上香, 因為上香係 你舊日 唔明白 自己做的是甚麼 而做的
今日 ,你已經信了 耶穌,你所做的 ,都要 去了解清楚 自己的心
要做的是 為甚麼?
你要 常去問<我為何做那事?
不是 我可唔可以做那事
因為 係神的愛裡面, 只有你所做的 係 出於 愛, 你凡事都可以 做了....

為好似 ,馬路上紅燈時, 一個年青人 眼見將被車趕倒的婆婆, 佢去救了她....係紅燈
但 因為 是出於救人, 佢沒有犯法了 一樣.....
在神的愛裡, 我地 凡事都能夠做了
不再受 以前的 阻外....

你相信 上香係為甚麼?
是給 死人 食的東西嗎?
不是。因為 神不再人那麼做, 那是 你舊日所信的 教你的...
今天, 你要去問, 你舊日所認識的係咪真的?
所以 ,不是唔可以, 只係 不再要
2006-12-09 11:22 pm
A really good Book of you: 歌林多前書 --- lots of do's and don'ts!

In chapter 8 Paul (the author) talks about eating food sacrificed to idols. I am sure we Chinese people eat lots of these on different days (First and Fifteen on Chinese Calendar and etc) When I was a kid I ate the chicken my grandma cooked. Yes it's a sacrifice for the ancestors but well, not one really ate it so I may as well enjoy it!

Sorry for the side track. 1 Corinthians 8 talks about we know that God is the only God we worship and other idols are nothing to us. We have learned that everything including ourselves are made through Jesus but not everyone knows that. Eating the food itself doesn't have a problem because the food is given by God anyways. However, if we eat the food and it becomes a bad witness to other people because they think the food has been contaminated by idols or something like that, then we don't eat it for the sake of people's spiritual growth. Just like giving incense to the ancestors, personally I wouldn't do that because I don't see the need of doing it. Plus my family has a rather strong Christian background so I was never asked to do it. However, if you don't do it and your parents will get so mad which may have a negative impact to your family, talk to your parents and tell them that you love and respect them and the ancestors. Jesus teaches us to honour our parents. You give your deceased ancestor incense not because you think they need it, but out of respect for them. Therefore, your family wouldn't feel bad of what you believe in and your faith. God is a wholesome and He sees what you are thinking in your heart. Just like when you go traveling, would you visit temples? Some Christians don't like that, some Christians don't mind --- it's just a point of attraction. I don't mind going to temples for vegetarian meals, but I will never ever give the idols incense or knee or bow down.

Afterall, you have invited the Holy Spirit to be in your heart so the Spirit will tell you what to do. Wish you enjoy a fruitful spiritual life.
2006-12-09 7:20 pm
我諗以下的經文可以幫到你: 哥林多前書8章

經文意思其實係話,其實你上香, 但心中冇去敬拜佢, 其實於你同神之間的關係係冇大問題。但就會係成為一個唔好的見證。因為人地見到你話自己係基督徒,但又上香,咁令到你身邊的非基督徒認為乜基督徒都上香架咩?? 如果係咁, 就没有榮耀基督的名,反而令到人對基督徒/基督教有誤解,而且有可能其他基督徒見到你咁做有樣學樣,咁就唔係幾好啦。

參考: bible
2006-12-09 6:59 pm



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