可唔可以幫我作關於 habit既英文作文, 20點

2006-12-09 12:02 pm
可唔可以幫我作關於 habit既英文作文,d英文生字唔洗太深 唔洗太多字,thanks!

回答 (2)

2006-12-13 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
On Friday, I was very tired. I think is the last school day in the week, so I can relax and no pressure. Then, I show all my emotion. The emotion was only tire. I went back took a nap, and then my friend woke me up like a quarter to eight. They cook for me and had dinner with me too. I like to have dinner with my friends because we always have fun together. After dinner and clean the dirty dishes, then my friends went back home. I went to bed about at eleven o’clock.

My habits are sleep and hang out with my friends.
參考: myself
2006-12-09 4:23 pm
My habit is sleep,because sleep can upkeep vitality.
I like sleep.

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