
2006-12-09 10:08 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-10 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
以 General 的大學評分計, 倫敦泰晤士報最新出的2006世界大學排行榜中, 排名最高的加拿大學依次為:
21. McGill Univeristy
27. University of Toronto
50. University of British Columbia

而加拿大 Maclean's 雜誌 2006年全加大學排行榜,該刊把全國47所大學名單,寄給全國各省各地中學校長、大學校長及負責人、全國或地區性機構主管、各學府的就業輔導主任,以及各大機構的招募員等,請他們依次列出全加最佳大學排行榜。得出的結果頭20位為:
1 Waterloo
2 Toronto
3 McGill
5 Alberta
6 McMaster
7 Queen's
8 Guelph
9 Western
10 Sherbrooke
11 Simon Fraser
12 Victoria
13 Saskatchewan
14 Montreal
15 St. Francis Xavier
16 Acadia
17 Dalhousie
18 Calgary
19 Ryerson
20 Wilfrid Laurier


18. York University
24. University of Toronto
31. University of Western Ontario
44. McGill University
71. University of British Columbia
87. Queen's School of Business
98. University of Alberta

綜合來說, 加拿大商科應是
1. University of Toronto
2. York University
3. University of Western Ontario (graduate program)
4. McGill University
5. University of British Columbia
6. Queen's University
7. University of Alberta

2006-12-10 23:07:42 補充:
you are welcome
參考: jiujik.com, ft.com
2016-02-28 1:19 pm
1.Penis World
2.Roblox Player School
2006-12-09 10:10 am
Overall Ranking:
Primarily Undergraduate Universities
Ranking University Last Year
1 St. Francis Xavier
(see our story)

2 Mount Allison 2

3 Acadia 3

4 Bishop’s 6*

5 Trent 6*

6 Wilfrid Laurier 5

*7 UNBC 8

*7 St. Thomas 10

9 UPEI 9

10 Winnipeg 4

11 Saint Mary’s 11

*12 Brock 14

*12 Lethbridge 13

14 Mount Saint Vincent 12

15 Moncton 15

16 Brandon 20

17 Lakehead 17

18 Ryerson 16

19 Laurentian 18

20 Nipissing 19

21 Cape Breton (UCCB) 21

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