Why do people overuse "like" in their speech?

2006-12-09 5:46 am
"I was like, so mad and then you know what, he looked at me like he's so innocent. I don't know why he would do that, I mean, like, it's all my fault"--a typical conversation in a public cafe.

We hear it everywhere.
Some of us use it everyminute we talk.
And yet it is a simple word with four letters:

Most of the time it's unnecessary and completely optional. Most of us are aware of it and know that we don't sound smart when we use it that much, but yet when we use it, we feel so great. Why? Any educated guesses?
Or personal opinion?

回答 (15)

2006-12-09 5:55 am
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People nowadays have a very poor dictionary
2006-12-09 1:56 pm
They use it as a substitute for 'uh', and 'mmmm'. They use it to allow for a small pause to think.

Also, for some it is simply a tic.
2006-12-09 1:52 pm
It's only an American thing - I don't hear other English speakers use it.
2006-12-09 1:52 pm
A newer version of the silly "Valley Girl" talk of the 1970's dumb then, dumber now.
2006-12-09 2:07 pm
For a long time now teen agers have been trying to come up with ways to make there parents to confused or to aggravated to listen to them talk for long. Every ten years kids come up with new tactics, The greasers had there one type of speech, hippies had another , Disco, valley girls and Instant messenger people have a code talk as well. Like just happens to be one of those ways to make parents leave the room, before a coherent phrase can be uttered.
2006-12-09 1:58 pm
Nervousness, force of habit, lack of education, 'making conversation' or they simply are rambling with nothing interesting to say....
2006-12-09 1:57 pm
It's only like, a fad. Like, "that's hot." People will like, get over it. Then like, it'll be replaced with some other lame a$$ phrase.
2006-12-09 1:55 pm
It's just another way of saying, "uh", without sounding stupid. If you don't believe me, replace every "like" with "uh", and read what it says.
2006-12-09 1:55 pm
Every generation has a word of this type they love to use. People of my generation used the words "real drag" quite a lot. Then came "cool". And now a lot of young people love to use the word "like". It is just the thing now. But it shall pass too.
2006-12-09 1:54 pm
It is so 90's to use the word like overly used is like soundly dumb or like young.......
2006-12-09 1:53 pm
Hey, get a load of that "b.l.a.c.k.p.o.m.e" guy up there. What a d*ck.
2006-12-09 1:50 pm
I would like to slap a leg into you. Will that be possible? Beause I like it like that.
2006-12-09 1:57 pm
lol i dunno. it's teenage language for me. sometimes i don't even realize i say it to tell the truth. it's like fun i guess.
i think people say it to make their sentances longer or something.
i seriously don't know.
i can't find any links......
no wonder
2006-12-09 1:49 pm
JUST "LIKE" THAT...........................
2006-12-09 1:50 pm
this is the culture section. we deal with more serious andd difficult issues in the world than word overuse.
參考: GTFO!!!!!!!!!!

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