phy (mechanics) 10分

2006-12-09 7:48 am
2.A force F pushes a block on a rough horizontal table for 2 s .
The displacement s of the block is recorded . If the experiment is repeated with different sizes of F ,which of the following is the correct s-F graph of the block?

4個graph 都係
x軸:apply force /N
y軸:displacement /m

(A) 個slope 由0開始斜向上

(B) 個slope唔係0開始斜向上, 係x軸即 (apply force /N) ge 接近中間先開始斜向上

(C) 個slope 係1/4 圓周,右下ge個個1/4圓周 ,由0開始曲向上

(D) 係y軸(displacement /m) 很上的位置 橫向右

請解釋一下!!!唔明點解係個個答案B lor!

回答 (3)

2006-12-16 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
樓上說錯了, friction compensated有佢特定意義
friction compensated係當個 F = friction !!!!!
即係acceleration = 0 !!!!
個object以均速運行 !!!
並唔係 F-f , 呢個係net force!!!
係friction compensation既情況下, net force = 0 !

如果係平路, 假設個apply force向右, 即係friction會向左 !
其實你自己都答左, 正如係斜路一樣,
friction = F
friction = ma !!

因為開頭個apply force, F細個個friction,
所以no displacement ! displacement = 0
但當net force( F-f )上升, 大過friction
個block自然會郁, 有displacement !
2010-01-25 5:16 pm
friction = F

friction = ma????????=口=
2006-12-09 8:02 am
因為題目 rough 這個字寫出了 friction 的出現

個slope唔係0開始斜向上, 係x軸即 (apply force /N) ge 接近中間先開始斜向上

是因為中間之前那些force都不可以compensate 個 friction
(F < coefficient of friction*Normal reaction)

所以個object會at rest

但是當F > f (friction compensated)

個block先會動 (以 F - f 的net force)

所以個slope唔係0開始斜向上, 係x軸即 (apply force /N) ge 接近中間先開始斜向上

F越大, 個net force (F-f) 就越大
參考: 自己

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