what is the tertiary education ?

2006-12-09 6:05 am

1.what is the tertiary education ?

2.what are the different between traditional education and tertiary education ?

回答 (2)

2006-12-11 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education (sometimes known collectively as tertiary institutions). Examples of institutions that provide post-secondary education are vocational schools, community colleges and universities in the United States, the TAFEs in Australia, CEGEPs in Quebec (Canada) and the IEKs in Greece. They are sometimes known collectively as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas,or academic degrees.
參考: Davies, Antony and Thomas W. Cline (2005). The ROI on the MBA,
2006-12-09 7:28 am
小學教育英文可以叫做Primary Education,
中學教育英文可以叫做Secondary Education,
中學(中五或中七)畢業後,上唔到大學而又進修高級文憑或者副學士既人接受Tertiary Education,都可以話有大專程度;不過,通俗黎講,大專程度指涉既對象可以包括接受職業培訓既人(雖然職業培訓唔多算Tertiary Education)

大學生雖然都係o係Tertiary Education既層次,但學歷比大專生為高,所以準確黎講,唔應該將自己稱作大專生;大學生應該話自己擁有大專或以上程度

2006-12-10 20:16:45 補充:
teitiary education 係高等教育,大學教育

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