如果我落d potassium 落HCl acid度會點

2006-12-09 5:58 am

回答 (5)

2006-12-09 6:01 am
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2006-12-12 22:47:42 補充:
樓下位朋友...我諗你真係要睇清楚佢係講緊HCl acid...Potassium 放落水已經係激烈反應 (最尾位朋友俾左youtube link)Potassium放落 HCl Acid 係會即爆...你上堂睇既係放落水...諗清楚至講, ok?
2006-12-09 8:09 am
since K is an very reactive element,
if you add K into water, it will move very fast in the water surface ,
it is very dangerous for you to add K into HCL, as explosive will happen
2006-12-09 7:06 am
It will explode due to the release of hydrogen gas and heat in a short time.

Then aqueous KCl will be formed.

2006-12-08 23:11:50 補充:
Sorry, crystal of KCl and steam will be formed due to crystallization because of high temperature.

2006-12-08 23:17:29 補充:
Hydrogen is also released at first. But then it reacts with oxygen to give steam due to high temperature. When the two gases react with each other, explosion occurs.

2006-12-08 23:24:16 補充:
The 'two gases' are hydrogen and oxygen.Large amount of initial heat is produced because potassium displaces hydrogen ion very quickly.And the initial heat causes the 'two gases' to react.
參考: textbook
2006-12-09 7:01 am
It won't 'blow up' as such - but it will give out alot of heat and a gas (H2) and a white ppt KCl once all the water has been evaporated. There might be a video on the web because I've since something like that before, but in class.
It won't blow up because K isn't as reactive as something like Cs anf Fr - those will definitely blow up with a huge fire ball!

2006-12-09 01:37:43 補充:
Can people be a bit more specific about the term 'explosion'?? A huge one or just a mini one? The term is quite misleading and most people tended to think BIG ones when they read, which is not true.

2006-12-13 02:55:43 補充:
Ai!! I'm an idiot...I managed to read the question TWICE with H2O in mind! Too much work and not enough sleep in the lab I guess - please disregard me answer as it only applies to water. Extremely sorry...

2006-12-13 02:56:39 補充:
MY answer - see, can't even type... _
參考: Me

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