
2006-12-09 5:48 am
佢話佢部ps2係行貨ps2 我先至同佢換
佢仲話部野係佢牙媽買架bor 當時我係駁左線比人聽
跟著當日我帶左個朋友去交易 再一次問佢係唔係行貨
佢話 放心一定係 有咩事打電話搵我OK!! 我個朋友都有在場聽見
到我返到屋企 第二日打比sony公司查,sony比我既回覆係在本港出售之行貨沒有此型號
即係部機係水貨 型號係SCPH 30001R 佢話香港行貨應該係30006 6係香港區碼
我即刻打比佢 點知佢手提係個女仔聽 個女仔仲話打錯電話 佢真係好野牙
我E-MAIL佢,佢仲話當時問我佢走得未 我梗係話走得 我都唔知咩叫行貨水貨 佢叫我信任佢有咩事搵佢 所以咁就比佢呃左
我想要專業既答覆 最好有法律引證

回答 (4)

2006-12-14 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can sue the seller for breach of the contract. The seller is accusing of misrepresentation of the contract. This clause refers to the case whenever a part of the contact cannot perform as per the details stated in the contract. His act is then contravened to the contract.

Also, there are 7 legal elements in contract: Offer + Acceptance + Consideration + Intention + Capacity + Formality + Legality.
Where Formality stated that verbal contract is a valid contract.

For your reference,
Civil Law - Law of Contract (合約法)
Contract law deals with promises/agreements. (要有承諾/協議)

Once the existence of a valid contract has been established, an inexcusable failure to perform the contractual obligations,
or defective performance (履行)of those obligations, constitutes a breach of contract. (悔約) The remedy for breach of contract is an action for damages, rescission (取消合約), injunction (禁制令)or specific performance (強制性令).
參考: Introduction of Law
2008-07-30 7:27 am
2006-12-09 8:37 am
2006-12-09 6:18 am
sorry我不太專業,但我認為佢已犯左"商業詐騙罪"(唔知個名o岩唔o岩)你有證人,係可以控告佢,但係你冇佢個人資料,又冇地址,所以我認為佢被捕既機會不大......(下次搵pro d既人check下係咪水貨啦)

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