
2006-12-09 3:38 am

回答 (5)

2006-12-10 9:13 pm
There are more than one reason.
1. Physically man are more stronger than woman. So if it is not by the help of alcohol or drug, is not easy for a woman to rape a man.
2. Rape is actually a power thing more than a sexual thing, you can find this in criminal psychology. Most men have sexual fantasy about women but they do not resort to rape. Man rape because he think he can getaway and it give him a superior feeling. Woman normally are more passive and they don't resolve power struggle in violent way.
3. There are definitely male rape victims, either raped by women or men. But most of the male victims won't tell anyone they are being violated, because it will show that they are weak.
2006-12-09 3:53 am

首先就算女性是極度好色 她也沒可能去強姦男人 (生理上不能作主動)
而且我可以好肯定的跟你說 男女對於性的態度不同 我們對性的需求亦不同
好多時 男士遇到一個"索"的女士 好容易就會有生理反應 繼而有犯罪的意慾
但女士對性的態度 比較有愛後有性

我會認為 行強姦的人應該是男人 那理論上"異性相吸" 男人應該會是看到女人而起色心(犯案) 最後受害者為女人

當然會有喜歡男人的男人 但因為男人在生理上比較壯健 相對遇害程度較低
參考: 我自己
2006-12-09 3:53 am

2006-12-08 19:55:10 補充:
2006-12-09 3:49 am
2006-12-09 3:48 am
參考: me

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