見工的英文自我介紹 20點!!

2006-12-09 3:37 am
我要見一份工 要自我介紹 我驚我講得唔好 要英文

各位幫幫我作篇文呀(大約 唔使太正經一篇文 因為係用黎講唔係比人睇
要個草稿 有d咩要注意??

[我今年18歲 f.5畢業 做過2個月sales 累積左少少工作經驗
我ge興趣係打羽毛球 行街 睇戲 等等
我係好有誠意去想做呢份工 我會好努力學習新事物]


仲有一開始應該點開頭?向果d你見工ge人(唔止1個人 幾個人)講
係下午見 係咪一開始good afternoon??

my name is xxx...............

ending係咪thank you??

麻煩各位!!急要!!20點!thx x 10000000!!

回答 (1)

2006-12-09 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good Afternoon everyone, My name is xxx. I'm 18 years-old.
I'm a Form 5 graduate of xxx (your school name).

My interests are playing badminton, shopping and watching movies.
I am outgoing and eager to learn new things.
I believe that I should certainly suit this job because I like interacting with others. I have good communication skills and am polite.

I think, in this industry, the most important thing is to serve the customers at the first. Before I decide to apply this job, I have worker in a clothing store for around 2 months. Therefore, I believed this must benefit me a lot by gaining some precious experiences in this industry.

I have learnt the skill interacting and serving different types of customers. And I am confident that I can manage it well.
I am sincerely hoping that I can work as this job. And I would try all of my best to learn any new things.
Hope you can give me such valuable chance to serve you.
Thank You!


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