lesbian...Why some people become lesbian from straight?

2006-12-09 3:19 am
Why some people become lesbian from straight? What should I do if I don't want to be a lesbian or bi?

回答 (2)

2007-01-23 1:14 am
i dun really agree with u! Jesus Christ doesn't hate gay ppl.
2006-12-10 9:38 pm
I can only say, if you do feel that you love her just dont try to hide the feeling inside your heart. To be frank, my girlfriend was once a straight too, and now she is with me, we live happily together. We've been together 1year and 4month. Lesbian or Bi is not a sin, it doesnt harm anyone, what do you be so afraid to be one?

Jesus? Western side country all of them are christian, how many of them is Les or Gay? Uncountable! Homosexual is being accepted and they can even get married too.

Well, I'm saying this is not I wanted of forcing you to be one of us. Just if you think you are, dont force yourself to be change, is hard to hide the feeling. Be who you are, and be happy as who you are!!
參考: ~* CeDrIC *~

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