
2006-12-09 2:38 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-09 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
臉部出現腫脹,,係一個正常既情況 ~~ 唔使咁緊張 ~~^^
一般三至四日後會自然唔腫ga la~~
同埋你唔覺痛係因為你食左止痛藥 and 你個傷口冇發炎 ~
不過如果過左成7至8日仲係好腫既話就應該即刻搵番幫你脫牙既牙醫 la ~~
參考: 我自己~
2006-12-09 7:39 pm
dont worried......every one拔除智慧齒後會腫........while some inflammation of the would.
but degree of swelling depend on the case........if your teeth is place at deeper, your face will swell more.....

When I am still studying, I had extracted 4 wisdom teeth, but I am not swell too much.

on the other hand, my classmate is swell alot, while her teeth is at the bottom.....
need to open more to pick the teeth up.......so the wound is larger than the would is larger......

For me, the swelling is removed after 2 weeks...
but my classmate need a month......

If you want to heal quicker, you can use 1 teaspoon of salt to 250ml 1 glass of water.....
to rinse. This can help the would heal quicker and the swelling gone.....

hope you get well soon...
參考: I am a dental assistant and it's my experience
2006-12-09 2:50 am
Always ,you must wait 1 month or more but you eat消炎及止痛藥.
應該要wait 2/1 個月就得了。 [應該]

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