
2006-12-09 2:19 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-12 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案

天地也無懼怕 強適也倒下
招募壯男入伍 殘弱快歸家
垂頭望著地 怎會像話 願快點將肝膽留下
真好漢 奪千軍 抗萬吧

天地三時靜悄 潛伏了兇兆
終極也能獲勝 全賴有高招
成條糊塗蟲 只會亂撞 朝著目標衝前望
當一個 男子漢 別怯慌

*我費費活命買 願別望著天地拜拜
*膽大包天 唔怕死

(動作卻要靠溝天借日 蓋掩)

考驗眼前就到 來大破匈奴
聽號角隨著我 強敵也打倒
仍然在亂撞 一臉大汗 你最好歸家游盪
真好漢 從不會 亂怯慌

在這先兒最後重覆 (.......)兩次

P.S.由於是自己聽的, 可能會有錯誤,請多多包容!

" I'll Make A Man Out Of You. "

Let's get down to bus'ness to defeat the Huns.
Did they sent me daughters when I ask for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I ever met.
But you can bet before we're throught,
mister, I'll Make A Man Out Of You.

Tranquil as a forest, but on fire with-in.
Once you find your center you are sure to win.
You're a spineless, plae, pathetic lot and you haven't got a clue.
Somehow I'll Make A Man Out Of You.

I'm never gonna catch my breath.
Say good-bye to those who knew me.
Boy, was I fool in school for cuting gym.
This guy's got 'em scared to death.
Hope he doesn't see right through me.
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim.

*Be a man
We must be swift as the coursing river,
Be a man
with all the force of a great typhoon,
Be a man
with all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.*

Time is racing toward us 'til the Huns arrive
Heed my ev'er order and you might survive.
You're unsuited for the rage of war.
So pack up, go home, you're through.
How could I make a man out of you?

Repeat*x2 Here.
P.S. Is that all you want? Please to answer you.
2006-12-09 2:22 am
歌詞:男子漢 (迪士尼動畫花木蘭插曲)

大家同心作戰 讓匈奴絕望
為何這群士兵 都像個姑娘
我會改變 你的前途
要成為男子漢 不認輸

紮穩你的步履 內心要堅定
開闊你的胸襟 求勝要決心
你驚慌 茫然無助
要成為男子漢 不認輸



時光毫不留情 匈奴快逼近
聽從我的指令 才能夠活命
沙場太殘酷 血光殺戮
要成為男子漢 不認輸



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