
2006-12-08 11:52 pm

回答 (2)

2006-12-09 8:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there are lots of 敏感藥 in HK.

however, my personal experience is to see the doctor first and see which type of drug is suitable for you.
as different disease can have the same symptoms as 敏感.

my family doctor in Tai Wai (Dr. Ho) is quite good on this and he can tell you what happen (because i have seen him 1 months ago for the same problem),
he is very nice and may be you can see him if he can help you.
His clinic Tel no 2634 5530

Hope he can help you.
2006-12-09 12:16 am
其實自己去藥房買藥食, 表面徵狀好似好左, 但係未必一定令身體問題痊癒.
如果對症下藥,找出什麼原因引致敏感, 一般食兩至三日都會退
建議你去睇醫生, 如果D藥有用就記住個藥名, 如下次有需要才配
皮膚敏感可以食藥, 塗藥膏
同時敏感藥都有好幾隻, 不同敏感用不同敏感藥, 亦同時各有副作用

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