
2006-12-08 11:33 pm

回答 (3)

2006-12-09 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
my dentist always said the retainer is the best guide use for check your teeth stability.
If you wear the retainer for 1 year, you can switch to night time wear for half year..
but if you feel tight, you should switch to full time wear again for half year.....
Then, you can switch to mon, wed, fri, sun or tue, thur, sat, sun wear...for half year..
then switch to 2 day for weak........2 day for 2 week.....then 2 day for month.....
again if you feel tight...you should go back to full time wear until it's not tight.....

If you got any problem, you can telephone back to gov clinic to ask the orthodontist that you see in the past.....I think they will answer you question even they cant see you.

By the way, if you are still studying full time, you can book the time to make the retainer again~~

Hope it help.......sorry for I cant type chinese.....if any problem, I can answer you..^_^

2006-12-09 16:10:32 補充:
sorry......I hadn't tell you......if you still studying full time, you can see them until 21......
參考: I am a dental assistant
2006-12-12 2:08 am
因為朝早載易唔見同埋好多人箍完牙都想晒下d牙 =]

希望幫到你 =]
參考: 自己
2006-12-09 6:23 am
我日日有用, 我dentist話大half year, 可以evening

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