
2006-12-08 11:28 pm
應該點同男朋友嘅阿媽相處? 因為我覺得佢唔係好鍾意我咁...

回答 (10)

2006-12-08 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hey it does not matter you do not vote me.

But this is my really really sincere advice for you, since I am in the same position as you!!!

But it depends on the personality of your boyfriend's mom.If she is very nice and friendly, well that is good but please be reminded people can be fake, smile in front of you and talked bad stuff behind your back.

Is your boyfriend the only child? if yes, then it is very likely that his mom will think you are STEALING his only son. This is very very normal situation. Although i hate this situation a lot, I still have to live with it. This will never change and you will understand when u are a mom. (i dont understand it cos im not a mom yet...)

Try to make her think you positively impact your boyfriend, and also show her that you know how to take care of yourself and also your boyfriend. that will make her feel that even if she loses a son her son got someone to look after.

Also, in order to WIN in this situation, the best thing u should do is LET HER HAVE HER SON. that means dont deliberately try to STEAL him from his mom, because this will make the relationship between you and bf worse. especially if your boyfriend likes his family very much.

even his mom is really mean and bad to you, dont complain to your bf. because this will put him into a really difficulte situation and he will not know what to do. we cannot expect him to scold his own mother right? if his mother is really the wrong person then your bf will know himself. u do not have to complain to let him know.

try to give more care to his mom, like asking her how she is recently, try to be a good girl, because woman is sensitive human being and they can know what kind of person you are even you try to hide it. so actually there is not much point in hiding your personality. all u can do is, try your best to show your good side to her.

in the end of the day, if she doesnt like you, i mean, who cares. if you are still in the first two years with your bf, and it hasnt become the time for you guys to marry yet, then dont worry too much. I dont think your bf will dump u because his mom doesnt like you. (UNLESS HE IS SUCH A GOOD BOY IN THE FAMILY---> sometimes a too good boy is not good....)

dont worry, i think you're not the only one having this problem. add oil!!!
參考: my own own own experience!
2006-12-09 10:11 am
2006-12-09 1:56 am
2006-12-09 12:43 am
唔好成日講電話, 呢一點係人都唔like*
即係見到人要叫, 呢d係基本禮貌
對住d bf,gf都唔會好客氣住先
但係佢地都係人, 要人tum*
呢d野唔急得既, 慢慢建立好d關係
對你同你bf呢段感情都有好大幫助啦 *
2006-12-09 12:26 am
參考: 我個friend 都係咁做,結果結咗婚!
2006-12-09 12:00 am
2006-12-08 11:55 pm
日久見人心, 你對男友的媽媽好, 慢慢她會感受得到, 自然對你的態度都會不同。
大家初相識, 不自然的感覺, 隔膜一定有的。

如果一齊出街主動與她傾計,可能你會覺得好假, 好造作, 但記住她不是你朋友, 可能她會是你未來的奶奶, 為了將來著想, 你一定要和她建立友好關係。在她面前要有禮貌, 平時點遭質你男友不緊要, 但在他媽媽面前就要對你男友比平時好十倍。

門面功夫點都要做, 過時過節送禮就一定要, 農曆新年去拜年是需要的, 表示你重視她, 尊敬她。 就算她擺明不喜歡你, 你也扮作不知情, 切忌以牙還牙, 否則辛苦的是你男友。
2006-12-08 11:50 pm
2006-12-08 11:48 pm
如果係一齊住的話, 有時你要主動d幫手做家務. 如果唔係一齊住, 你應該多些約他飲茶, 食飯. 放心, 如果你係出自真心對佢好的話, 佢呀媽一定會知道的. 日久見人心呀!
2006-12-08 11:35 pm

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