
2006-12-08 8:17 pm

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2006-12-08 8:25 pm
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甚麼是三文治 what is a sandwich
A sandwich is a food item typically consisting of two pieces of leavened bread between which are laid one or more layers of meat, vegetable, cheese, together with optional or traditionally provided condiments, sauces, and other accompaniments. The bread is used as is, lightly buttered, or covered in a flavoured oil to enhance flavour and texture.

Sandwiches are commonly carried to work or school in lunchboxes or brown paper bags (in sandwich bags) to be eaten as the midday meal, taken on picnics, hiking trips, or other outings. They are also served in many restaurants as entrées, and are sometimes eaten at home, either as a quick meal or as part of a larger meal. As part of a full meal sandwiches are traditionally accompanied with such side dishes as a serving of soup (soup-and-sandwich), a salad (salad-and-sandwich), or potato chips/french fries and a pickle or coleslaw.

三文治歷史 origin of sandwiches
The sandwich was named after 4th Earl of Sandwich, an 18th-century English aristocrat, although it is unlikely to have been invented by him. Indeed a form of sandwich is attributed to the ancient Jewish sage Hillel the Elder, who is said to have put meat from the Paschal lamb and bitter herbs inside matzo (or flat bread) during Passover.

It is said that Lord Sandwich was fond of this form of food because it allowed him to continue playing cards at cribbage while eating without getting his cards sticky, from eating meat with his bare hands. The Earldom refers to the English town of Sandwich in Kent — from the Old English Sandwic, meaning "sand place".

這兒恕不盡睩, 不過 "history of sandwiches" http://whatscookingamerica.net/History/SandwichHistory.htm 這網頁的資料極齊...
參考: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandwich
2006-12-08 8:26 pm
三文治 Sandwich,又譯三明治,是把麵包切成兩份後,在中間放置肉、乳酪等等食物,加上調味料、調味汁任意搭配在一起之小食。麵包經常輕微地塗上黃油或蓋在用以調味的油烘烤,這能提高三文治的味道。

三文治有很多種,在美國,其他用麵包作皮的食品也被當成三文治的一種。譬如玉米粉圓餅 tortilla( 墨西哥人的主食 )、麵包卷 bread roll和意大利地道麵包敖卡薩包 focaccia。而漢堡包也是三文治的一種。不過多數英語系國家並不這麼認定。


傳說,三文治的命名是因為18世紀英國貴族第四任三文治伯爵約翰·蒙塔古 John Montagu,4th Earl of Sandwich,雖然不太可能由他發明。據說三文治伯爵極度喜歡玩橋牌,常常玩得廢寢忘餐,伯爵夫人為了方便丈夫在玩橋牌時容易取食,特地發明出三文治這種食物。伯爵的朋友品嚐過後大聲叫好,不過三文治伯爵倒不甚了了,由於這種食物沒有名字,所以伯爵的朋友們將之命名為三文治,三文治也迅速流行於英國社交界,不過據說,三文治伯爵因此而惹了十分多麻煩,他顯然不太喜歡以自己的封號作食物名稱。他的伯爵領地名字來自英國肯特郡村莊三文治村,名字來源自古英語Sandwic,意 思是「滿是沙子的地方」 sand place。




在英國,特別在英國北部,三文治為人所知,三文治不拘形式地製作。這種用三文治材料包括新鮮煮熟的煙肉和牛油。在美國三文治會配上炸薯條(法式薯條)作配菜。在法國三文治被稱為un Belge:「比利時三文治」。其它不拘形式的英國名字是sarnie。在蘇格蘭,三文治叫做pieces。澳大利亞俗語三文治為sanger。在南非,三文治有時叫做sarmies。





火腿三文治定理 ham sandwich theorem能在數學中證明唯一可能劃分 塊麵包片和每個在一半裝填好函料。

2006-12-08 8:25 pm
They were named for the very same person for whom the sandwich that we eat was named, John Montagu (1718-1792), the Fourth Earl of Sandwich.

He was an enthusiastic gambler and when he didn't wish to leave the gaming table to go to dinner. He would ask for someone to bring him some meat between a couple of slices of bread. Later, when others began asking for the same thing, they would say something like, "I'll have what Sandwich is having..." Obviously it caught on, and people just started calling for "a Sandwich" when they wanted meat between two slices of bread.

There are some more information at the following website:

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