(急) 扁平足腳痛舒緩之法? 請幫幫忙

2006-12-08 5:15 pm
有無醫生專醫扁平足(有無好介紹) ? 扁平足引致的腳痛有咩辦法可以舒緩? 邊度有專給扁平足人士穿著的鞋賣呀 (款式不要太老套) ?

回答 (1)

2006-12-08 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am suffering from 扁平足as well. Basically, there is no 矯治方法 for adult. I have consulted 脊醫and 骨醫 before and all of them recommended me to tailor make a 矯 型 鞋 墊 from their clinic. With矯 型 鞋 墊, I do not have to wear any standard shoes, but shoes that I always wear. In long term, 矯 型 鞋 墊can minimize the abnormal pressure/weight to our backbone and knees due to 扁平足, otherwise, we will be in big problem when get old. So, I made one, even though it cost $1200 for pair! I found that the shoes shop Dr.Kong offer a better price. You can go and check it out. If you do not wanna make鞋 墊, Dr.Kong got some shoes for 扁平足, though I think the style is not attractive at all.

Ways to 舒緩腳痛:
I have 2 good methods. 1) Use my 腳 趾公to grab 波子 at night. This can relax and strengthen the foot muscle 2) use fingers to massage the 腳弓.

I think the main cause of pain is due to bad walking姿勢. I feel much better now, after I do the 波子 exercise.

Hope my information helps.

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