Transformation on the graph of functions

2006-12-08 7:30 am
The equation of a graph is y=2x+1.
Write down the equation of the graph after a translation of 2 units to the left and 1 unit upwards.

p.s. After giving the answer, please tell me why .Thanks a lot.


回答 (1)

2006-12-08 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Original graph : y = 2x+1
To translate the graph 2 units to the left, replace x by x+2
To translate the graph 1 unit up, replace y by y-1
Therefore, the new graph will be:
(y-1) = 2(x+2)+1
  y = 2x + 6

2006-12-09 12:31:29 補充:
樓上朋友的計算是錯誤的,因為輸入任何的x,得出的y值都比原式細,所以所提供的答案只會在原式的下方,而並非如題目要求的: 1 unit upward!

2006-12-11 09:34:45 補充:
要將原圖向左移,即係在同一個 y 既數值下,新圖既 x 要細過原圖;細幾多就即係要移過幾多。如果想要新圖向左移 2格,即係新圖 既 x 要 2 先等於原圖,所以就用 x 2 黎代替原本既 x.相同原理,如果要將圖升高 1格,即是在同一個 x 值上,新圖既 y 會比原本既 y 大 1.而只要用 y-1 黎代替原本既 y 就可以有呢個效果喇。

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