About Microsoft Word

2006-12-08 7:21 am
我有以下情況呀 ...

我個 word file 係屋企開就冇問題 , 但係係學校開就亂晒 , 好激氣 !!
請問有冇方法固定個 file 既 format , 等佢唔使亂晒籠咁 !!

回答 (2)

2006-12-08 7:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
你 check 下你學校的 Microsoft Word 的 version 和你屋企的是否相同,如果不相同,你試下在你屋企 save 你的 word file 時,在 「檔案類型」那一項選擇一個和你學校相同的 version ,for example: word for windows 5.0 etc.
2006-12-08 7:08 pm
May be your home computer Microsoft Word version is different with your school Microsoft Word version.
You can change save file format settings to as same as your school, for example: Your computer Microsoft Word version XP, but school Microsoft Word version 2000, you can save it as Office 2000 format, that the words will not mass.

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