
2006-12-08 6:56 am


回答 (5)

2006-12-08 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Among the numerous countries in Asia, the country that I want to visit most is Japan. When I was little I always dreamt about bathing in hot springs. I guess it would be really enjoyable to relax myself in a hot spring when snowing. In Japan I can fulfill my childhood dream. Futhermore, Japanese cuisine is very delicious. If I go to Japan, I must go to visit the Fuji mountain. I heard the scenary there is breathtaking. In Japan there are also many department stores and I will "shop till I drop"! I wish I can visit Japan soon, but pity I don't have enough money....

shop till I drop 是較佻皮的常用語, 如不喜歡也可用 I will go on a shopping spree 或誇張d 話I am going to buy everything in sight 等等
(原文組織頗為鬆散, 有點東一忽西一忽的感覺; 我建議你把溫泉和富士山一起說, 美食和購物又分另一小段, 感覺會稍為歸一一點, 大自然 vs 人工化)
參考: 自己譯的
2006-12-09 2:06 am
Among the many countries in Asia, the country I wanted to visit the most is Japan. It is because I have always wanted to soak in hot spring since I was young. If I am soaking in hot spring as it is snowing, it should be a very enjoyable experience. My dreams could be fulfilled if I am in Japan. Besides, Japanese Cuisine are very delicious. If I were going to Japan, visiting Fuji Mountain is a must, apparently the view there is very beautiful. There are also a lot of shopping centre, I would need to shop till I die. Finally, I hope to visit Japan in the near future, unfortunately I do not have enough money...
參考: ME~~
2006-12-08 7:51 am
Among the Asian countries, I like to go Japan most. It is because I like hot spring very much since I was young. In Japan, I can enjoy hot spring with the scene of snow which is one of my dreams. Moreover, Japanese food is so delicious, the Mt Fuji is so beautiful, and the shopping malls can make me do a lot of shopping like crazy. So i hope I can go Japan recently, but poor me that I don't have enough money!!
2006-12-08 7:35 am
In the numerous countries of Asia, I country gone to want Japan most, already want to soak the hot spring very much as a child in me, if it must be very fine enjoyment to soak the hot spring while snowing. Can realize my dream in Japan. And, the cooking of Japan is very delicious, if go to Japan, must go to Fuji , it is said where scenery is very beautiful , where there are a lot of department stores, still do shopping crazily , hope to go to Japan shortly finally, it's a pity that I have no money ...
2006-12-08 7:00 am
In the numerous countries of Asia, I country gone to want Japan most, already want to soak the hot spring very much as a child in me, if it must be very fine enjoyment to soak the hot spring while snowing. Can realize my dream in Japan. And, the cooking of Japan is very delicious, if go to Japan, must go to Fuji , it is said where scenery is very beautiful , where there are a lot of department stores, still do shopping crazily , hope to go to Japan shortly finally, it's a pity that I have no money ...

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