
2006-12-08 6:10 am

回答 (7)

2006-12-08 8:42 am
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咖啡因在茶. 的含量受茶葉品種、茶葉分量、浸泡時間. 及方法等因素影響而改變。 由於這個原 ... 如咖啡、茶、朱. 古力和可樂飲料,會含一定分量的咖啡因。 ... 類含天然存在咖啡因的產品咖啡、茶和. 朱古力飲品則沒有標籤,這些產品均符


咖啡與身體. 咖啡因對人體健康影響的研究結果 ... 美國國立衛生研究所贊助羅伯特‧蘇坡科醫生主持的一項研究發現,喝不含咖啡 因的咖啡有 ... 咖啡生產商通常採用粗壯咖啡豆 (Robusta)一種濃香的咖啡豆來製造無咖啡因咖啡,以補充除去咖 ...
2006-12-08 4:35 pm
in fact , all have . just depends on the volume.
2006-12-08 6:20 am
All have咖啡因
2006-12-08 6:19 am
3 of them all consists of caffeine.

The world major source of caffeine comes from coffee bean, from which the coffee is brewed, but of course, content of caffeine varies among types of bean and the method of brewing.

Tea is another source of caffeine, but it usually contains half of the caffeine of the coffee, depending of the strength of the brew and types (e.g. oolong or black teacontains more, but don't think the blacker the tea is the higher the content!).

Actually there are others drinks which contain caffeine, e.g. coca cola, red bull.
2006-12-08 6:13 am
2006-12-08 6:13 am
2006-12-08 6:12 am

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