Percentages Problem

2006-12-08 5:23 am
Percentages Problem

1.What precentage of A is B ?

2. What percentage of A to B ?

Pls explain!!!!!!!!!

THX A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2006-12-08 4:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What percentage of A is B ? (A嘅幾多% 係等於 B)
let, unknown = x

A (x%) = B
x% = B/A
x = (B/A) (100%)

e.g. if A = 10, B = 5, what percentage of A is B?

x% = B/A
x = 5/10 (100%)
x = 0.5 (100%)
x = 50%


What percentage of A to B ? (A係B嘅幾多%)
let, unknown = x

B (x%) = A
x% = A/B
x = A/B (100%)

e.g. if A = 30, B = 100, what percentage of A to B?

x% = A/B
x = 30/100 (100%)
x = 0.3 (100%)
x = 30%
2006-12-08 5:31 am
Let A is 5, B is 2.

1.What percentage of A is B ?
Ans: B/A = 2/5 * 100% = 40%
2. What percentage of A to B ?
Ans: A/B = 5/2 * 100% = 250%

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