
2006-12-08 4:53 am
These______gold coins are for you and your grandpa.merry christmas, from Santa Claus. 1.posssessions 2.precious 和想知點解.............thank you........

回答 (2)

2006-12-08 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該係 "Precious", 因為 "Precious" 解 "貴重的,寶貴的,珍貴的". "possession" 解 "擁有;佔有".

2006-12-07 21:09:36 補充:
應該係 Precious, 因為 Precious 解 貴重的,寶貴的,珍貴的. possession 解 擁有;佔有.
2006-12-08 5:14 am
Ans: 2
possession is a noun, means 財產
precious is an adjective, means 珍貴的
You use an adjective to describe a noun(gold coins).

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