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ALEX has not been able to attain the your school enrollment. After the test second days (2,/12) I and ALEX flies to C by London (place), when I to receives MAY the telephone message, knew ALEX yesterday took a test like has not been ideal, after ALEX knew told me, thought today goes to London, 2nd days rushed the school to request your excellency to give the ALEX test opportunity once more in front of. Therefore I same day immediately change the airplane time with ALEX evening 23:30 to fly to London, 6:00 will sit the gentleman for 3 hours in the next day early morning toward the school, was a pity very much, will know by MAY, your excellency left the school, therefore has not been able in front of to request once more. ALEX tells me to make him like the school 3 reasons 1) the school student not being many, teachers devotedly taught 2) the Chinese students are few, can add learns English 3) BEN to go study in the your school, can mutually take care of. But I also believed like ALEX and BEN can with in the your school study, I take the parents, although far in ten thousand miles, only can in the telephone the understanding situation, hear the sound, but also extremely felt relieved. Requests earnestly principal your excellency like to have the degree, please give ALEX to go study the opportunity. I extremely feel grateful.