help me~~作1句英文.......

2006-12-08 3:06 am
幫我作1句英文句子"用there is開頭~~please

回答 (8)

2006-12-08 3:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 There is a woman who is smoking.

2 There is an air pollution in Hong Kong.

3 There is a doll which is my favourite.

4 There is an orange on the table.
2006-12-08 3:23 am
There is an egg in the bowl.
2006-12-08 3:15 am
There is my house.
參考: 自己
2006-12-08 3:12 am
There is a beautiful,rich and slim lady walking on the street with her doggy.
參考: me
2006-12-08 3:10 am
there is a boy~
2006-12-08 3:10 am
There is a wonderful place for me.
2006-12-08 3:09 am
There is a cat on the table.
參考: 我
2006-12-08 3:09 am
There is a poor dog on the street.

2006-12-07 19:10:13 補充:
There is some water on the floor.

2006-12-07 19:12:09 補充:
There is a policeman stand behind a car.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:26:36
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