
2006-12-08 2:50 am
請問VIVA MACAU(非凡航空)是用哪一間航空公司的二手機?

回答 (8)

2006-12-08 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
VIVA Macau currently have a fleet of 2 B767 (1 B767-200ER, 1 B767-300)
B767-200ER B-MAV ex-Aeromexico XA-RVZ
B 767-300 B-MAW ex-Asiana
2007-11-15 11:31 am
2007-01-21 9:05 am
VIVA Macau currently have a fleet of 2 B767 : mean it have 2 planes
B767-200ER B-MAV ex-Aeromexico XA-RVZ

B 767-300 B-MAW ex-Asiana

哪一間航空公司的二手機:ex-Aeromexico & ex-Asiana , mean Aeromexico and Asiana airlines, He have provide the best and clear answer already, CANT you read it ? hahaha
2007-01-06 12:05 am
人家不是已回答了你嗎? 就是 Aeromexico (一看便知是墨西哥的航空公司) 和 Asiana (已執苙的韓亞航空) 嘛!!!
2006-12-30 1:12 am
the B-MAW is a second hand from PB Air (Thailand) HS-PBH
Asiana is the user of it before PB Air. the interior is still with the Asiana color. but both B-MAV and B-MAW will be changed to VIVA Macau's own light green seat covers soon!
2006-12-27 7:01 pm
Walter Chan 已答了你問題!
2006-12-26 8:31 pm
Walter Chan 已就閣下之問題作詳細解答,而且很貼題和詳盡。

B-MAV →在澳門的註冊編號

B-MAW →在澳門的註冊編號
B 767-300→機型
2006-12-18 9:50 am
I think Mr. Walter Chan has answered your question already.

From his wordings, I think Aeromexico and Asiana are the ex-owner of Viva's planes.

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