Chem Definitely define the differences between Simple 10 @

2006-12-08 2:47 am
Chem Definitely define the differences between ** Simple Molecular Structures **
and ** Giant covalent structures ** PLEASE

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2006-12-08 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simple Molecular Structures

Made up of small discreet molecules. The bonding within the molecules is covalent but intermolecular forces exist between the molecules.
Low melting and boiling points due to weak intermolecular forces between molecules. They require little energy to break.
Usually liquids and gases.
They do not conduct electricity because there are no ions or free electrons.
They are soluble in non-polar solvents ( except those that are strongly polar themselves)
Examples: H2, Cl2, HCl, H2O

Giant covalent structures
We have now seen why water, with its simple molecular structure, has a low melting point. But why is diamond, which is also a covalently bonded substance, so different? It melts only at temperatures above 3550 °C, and is the hardest substance known to science!

The answer lies in the structure of diamond. Diamond is one form of the element
An element is a substance made from only one type of atom. An element cannot be broken down into any simpler substances. element carbon. It contains only carbon atoms – but its atoms are not arranged as individual molecules. Instead, they make up a giant lattice, with each carbon atom
An atom is the smallest particle of an element that can still be defined as that element. atom forming four covalent bonds with its neighbouring carbon atoms.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:16:19
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