
2006-12-08 2:37 am
可唔可以打埋所有Letter的格式,D上款和下款拍左定拍右,開首句個,結尾段,最好俾D example,快.............
如Complaint letter, Formal letter(Dear Editor),寫俾Friend.....

回答 (1)

2006-12-08 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Complaint letter
First of all you need all the greetings required and the names/addresses of receiver and writer at the opening (optional, if the question does not provide you with this, just forget it).

After that you can follow the guidelines below:

Opening paragraph
You should write your MAIN PURPOSE of writing the letter. You can start using "I am writing to express my concern/discontentment about ..." so as to please the receiver for quicker response.

Main points of your complaint
You should then write about your experience of the service and why you need to complain about it. For example, you may say that the food was not hot and is too salty, the goods are damaged or of the wrong colour/type etc. You should also request for actions to be taken, i.e. writing a letter of apology, refund or improving their service etc.

About number of paragraphs
Normally three to four paragraphs are enough. However if you have more complaints or if you want to clearly describe the course of the event, then it's alright to use 5 paragraphs, or even more (don't waste time writing irrelevant information). There are three main aspects to mention:
1) Introduction: what you're complaining for
2) The course (經過) of your trip/service provided
3) What actions should be taken by the company

Length of each paragraph
1) Introduction: about 1/4 of the length of the whole letter
2) Course and why you're dissatisfied: about 1/2 of the length of the whole letter
3) Request for actions: about 1/4 of the length of the whole letter

For some model essays on writing letters of complaint, you may want to visit
1) http://consumer-affairs.co.la.ca.us/sub/Complaint_Sample_Letter.pdf
2) http://www.unitedspinal.org/documents/DisabilityIssues/1.html
3) http://www.salford.gov.uk/living/advice/consumer/ca-letters.htm (there are several templates here)
or search for more types on the net (google, for instance).

Formal letter

公司未必一定要出reference letter給員工的,因為reference letter代表著一種推薦,如果員工的表現未能令公司滿意它並不一定要將你推薦給其他人,這樣也不需出reference letter了.

但有一樣叫做letter of employment的東西,公司卻是有義務要出給員工的,但letter of employment只會客觀地列明在何年何月何日至何年何月何日,你受聘於某公司,職位是甚麼,人工有多少這類資料,是沒有推薦性的.

不過一般情況而言,除非你是背著黑鑊而去,正常的公司都不吝一封reference letter的.給你一封簡單的template,希望可以幫到你吧.

(靠右) Your address
(靠右) Date

Your boss title
Your company address.
Dear Mr/Mrs XXX (Your boss name)

I write to ask you to offer me a reference letter.

I have been working for the company for x years. In the years I served the company, I loyally carried out my duties such as _____, _____, and _____. (List some of your major duties) It is my pleasure to work with you and my fellow colleagues. It is my pleasure as well if you would value my contribution to the company positively, and it honours me if I can recieve a reference letter from you.

Thank you in advance. I look forward to seeing your kind replies. Shall you have any further enquries, please feel free to contact me at 12345678 (your phone number). Thank you again.

Yours sincerely,
(your name)
Former (your position, make sure to let him recall who you are)

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