
2006-12-08 1:51 am

  「春天……」一句句話好似美妙的音符,叮咚叮咚悅耳地奏出來。同學們都睜大了眼睛,場上靜悄悄的,大家都屏住了呼吸聽下面的。   她從容不迫,感情真摯地朗誦著,臉上泛起激動的紅暈。聽到她的朗誦,她班的同學都為她高興的笑了。   


雖然她讀得很好,但我班的同學卻不服,到我班的李丹讀的時候,我班都豎起耳朵聽,可是,由於她離話筒太遠,所以聲音讓別人聽起來特小。當時,我班的同學都恨不得把話筒往她面前拿一截。可是這只能空想,漸漸的,李丹的耳朵和臉漸漸地紅了起來,我想她肯定是很緊張的原因才紅的吧!   哎,李丹失敗了。我班的希望全都寄托在了萬夢身上。到了萬夢演講時,她也犯了和李丹一樣的毛病——聲音小。   顯然的,我們班失敗了,但我們班的同學卻沒有一點失去信心的表情,我們仍然相信下一次勝利是屬於我們的。

回答 (3)

2006-12-08 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
In March, a how wonderful season! Also is we studies the Lei Feng month, in March, the people all are moving, our school is not exceptional, this, immediately do not have to start about to study Lei Feng's oratorical contest. By now tense and cheerful bell sound, we rapidly move own stool, neatly sat on the classroom cement field. By now, the school leader read the participative contestant's name, my class's two contestant was Wan Meng and Li Dan, they but teacher thousand selects hundred selects selects, obviously their ability ! Before the competition, two schoolmates on have lectured in front of the entire class schoolmates. Is in addition draws lots, they also were considered well, after pulls out the numeral front, is not 9 and 12. First is a (5) class of bad luck male student, did not know is he is anxious or any other reasons, he lectured too bad passes. Receives several also lecture good, but the impression deepest is a (3) class of Liu is sensitive for me, she brings the smile to stand on, the entire audience likes the tranquil water surface to be same. "Spring... ... " A sentence speech seems the wonderful note, bites rat-a-tat bites rat-a-tat delightful plays. The schoolmates all opened the eyes the big eye, on the field very quiet under, everybody all screen lived the breath to listen to. She is unflustered, the sentiment sincere recites, on the face exudes excited blushing. Hears to hers reciting, her class's schoolmates all happy smiled for her. Supplements the time: Although she reads very much well, but my class's schoolmate actually refuses to accept, reads to my class's Li Dan, my class all raises up the ear to listen, but, because she to microphone too far, therefore the sound lets the others sound to be especially small. At that time, my class's schoolmates all wished one could the microphone to take toward her in front of a section. But this only can fantasize, gradually, Li Dan's ear and face gradually red, I thought she definitely is the very tense reason only then is red! Ya, Li Dan was defeated. My class's hope all reposed on Wan Mengshen. When to Wan Meng lecture, she has also violated and Li Dan's same problem — — sound is young. Obvious, our class has been defeated, but our class's schoolmate actually does not have 1. to lose the confidence the expression, we still believed next successfully belongs to us
參考: altavista
2006-12-08 2:02 am
In March, what a wonderful season it is! It is the our studying Lei Feng moon too, in March, people are all taking action, our school is no exception, look, will begin the speaking competition about studying Lei Feng soon.
' purine ' the tense and cheerful ring tones at this moment is loud, we are moving one's own stool rapidly, sit in the cement field in front of the classroom neatly and cleanly.
At this moment, the school leader read the name of the player participating in the contest once, two player, I of class ten thousand dream and Dan Li, they a thousand teacher choose one hundred choose is it come out to select, it is obvious their ability is unusual! Before having a match, two classmates lecture in front of all classmates.
Draw lots then, they two fairly fine, figure released, it is the 9th and the 12th. The primary importance is one ( Five) An unlucky boy student of the class, it I wonder it is to be the nervous in he or what reasons not other,whom he lecture the terrible completely. Several following ones that still lecture are good, but that it is deepest to leave a impression on me is one (3) Liu Min of the class, she stands ready with a smiling on the platform, the whole audience are just like calm surface of water.
' spring ' a sentence is like the wonderful note, the ding-dong ding-dong is played out melodiously. The classmates all have opened eyes wide, very quiet on the field, everybody holds the breath and hears the following one.
Unhurriedly she, the emotion is read aloud sincerely, the excited blush floods on the face. Hearing her reading aloud, classmates in her class are glad to smile for her.
參考: word
2006-12-08 1:55 am
三月,一個多麼美妙的季節呀! Dr.eye: In March, what a wonderful season it is! 也是我們的學雷鋒月,在三月,人們都在行動,我們學校也不例外,這不,馬上就要開始關於學習雷鋒的演講比賽。 Dr.eye: It is the our studying Lei Feng moon too, in March, people are all taking action, our school is no exception, look, will begin the speaking competition about studying Lei Feng soon.
  「呤……」這時緊張而歡快的鈴聲響了,我們迅速地搬著自己的凳子,整整齊齊地坐在了教室前的水泥場上。 Dr.eye: ' purine ' the tense and cheerful ring tones at this moment is loud, we are moving one's own stool rapidly, sit in the cement field in front of the classroom neatly and cleanly.
  這時,學校領導把參賽選手的名字念了一遍,我班的兩位選手是萬夢和李丹,她們可是老師千挑百挑的選出來的,可見她們的能力非同一般呀! Dr.eye: At this moment, the school leader read the name of the player participating in the contest once, two player, I of class ten thousand dream and Dan Li, they a thousand teacher choose one hundred choose is it come out to select, it is obvious their ability is unusual! 在比賽前,二位同學就在全班同學面前演講過。 Dr.eye: Before having a match, two classmates lecture in front of all classmates.
  接著是抽簽,她們倆還算好,抽的數字不前不後,是9號和12號。 Dr.eye: Draw lots then, they two fairly fine, figure released, it is the 9th and the 12th. 第一位是一(五)班的一個倒霉的男生,不知是他緊張還是什麼其他原因,他演講的糟糕透了。 Dr.eye: The primary importance is one ( Five) An unlucky boy student of the class, it I wonder it is the nervous in he since it is or what reasons not other,whom he lecture the terrible completely. 接下來的幾位還演講的不錯,但給我印象最深的是一(三)班的劉敏,她帶著微笑站在台上,全場就像平靜的水面一樣。 Dr.eye: Several following ones that still lecture are good, but that it is deepest to leave a impression on me is one (3) Liu Min of the class, she stands ready with a smiling on the platform, the whole audience are just like calm surface of water.
  「春天……」一句句話好似美妙的音符,叮咚叮咚悅耳地奏出來。 Dr.eye: ' spring ' a sentence is like the wonderful note, the ding-dong ding-dong is played out melodiously. 同學們都睜大了眼睛,場上靜悄悄的,大家都屏住了呼吸聽下面的。 Dr.eye: The classmates all have opened eyes wide, very quiet on the field, everybody holds the breath and hears the following one.
  她從容不迫,感情真摯地朗誦著,臉上泛起激動的紅暈。 Dr.eye: Unhurriedly she, the emotion is read aloud sincerely, the excited blush floods on the face. 聽到她的朗誦,她班的同學都為她高興的笑了。 Dr.eye: Hearing her reading aloud, classmates in her class are glad to smile for her.

雖然她讀得很好,但我班的同學卻不服,到我班的李丹讀的時候,我班都豎起耳朵聽,可是,由於她離話筒太遠,所以聲音讓別人聽起來特小。 Dr.eye: Though she read very well, classmate disobedience, I of class, get Li, I of class red while reading, our class picks up one's ears, but, because she is too far from the microphone, so the sound lets others sound specially small. 當時,我班的同學都恨不得把話筒往她面前拿一截。 Dr.eye: At that time, classmates in our class were itching to take the microphone in front of her to cut. 可是這只能空想,漸漸的,李丹的耳朵和臉漸漸地紅了起來,我想她肯定是很緊張的原因才紅的吧! Dr.eye: But this can only day-dream, gradually, Li Dan's ears and face are getting red gradually, I think she must be that a very tense reason is red!
  哎,李丹失敗了。 Dr.eye: Hey, Li Dan has failed. 我班的希望全都寄托在了萬夢身上。 Dr.eye: The hope of our class has been all placed on ten thousand dreams on one's body. 到了萬夢演講時,她也犯了和李丹一樣的毛病——聲音小。 Dr.eye: Reach ten thousand dream when lecturing, she has made the trouble as Li Dan too The sound is little.
  顯然的,我們班失敗了,但我們班的同學卻沒有一點失去信心的表情,我們仍然相信下一次勝利是屬於我們的。 Dr.eye: Obvious, our class has failed, but classmates of our class lose the expression of confidence a bit, we still believe the next victory belongs to us.
參考: dr.eye

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