想買一部 EVO 7

2006-12-08 1:35 am
Anyone have EVO 7 - yellow or bule colour , I wanna buy one.

How much for 2001 ?

回答 (4)

2006-12-13 6:51 am
涉及個人宣傳, 有冇人覺得需要檢舉?
2006-12-09 9:43 am
I have a white one. I am soory that I can't help you.
But I am happy to know that you like EVO7.
Its new price is cheapest for all new EVO1 to EVO IX but the power is not bad.
2006-12-08 1:47 am
I dont have a Evo 7, but I know the price for
2001 is about $150,000.

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