runescape quest (dragon slayer)

2006-12-08 12:00 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-08 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你搞掂曬d o野修好船,唔洗理個水手,你要集齊map parts (三份),跟住整埋一張完整map 去搵位於 Draynor Village 的 Ned,佢大概在整顏料的那個Witch 的對面,Draynor bank 上面過o左個好有Wisdom的old man 間屋,接著你只要和Ned talk,佢會做你船長,你帶齊「架餐」去返首船度,出發就得啦~~~~
去到隻船又壞番,完成後南下去番Karamja Island o架,俾三十蚊出返Fally啦~~~
希望幫到你~~~~ 你可以參考「In runescape,who is higer than Lv 60 ,please come in!Help me」,網址係
參考: 小妹經驗囉^^
2006-12-08 5:35 am
Pick up your 2000 coins, a Hammer, three Planks, 90 nails, and your Map from a bank. Head back to Port Sarim. Go to the dock east of the food store. Talk to the guy on the dock named Klarense. Keep talking until you can offer to buy the ship. He'll tell you the price. Buy it. Now, go on board and go down a deck. Use a plank on the hole near you. Keep using planks until the hole is filled. Talk to your swabbie to go off the ship.

Now, go to Draynor. Talk to Ned and he'll offer to take you to Crandor. Give him your Map and he'll tell you to meet him at the ship. This is the big fight you've been waiting for. Pick up potions, food, armor and weapons (magic equipment, or crossbow/darts) AND YOUR ANTI-DRAGON SHIELD. Since a shield cannot be wielded while using a regular bow, this is NOT recommended (dragon fire frequently hits for 26 damage); a Crossbow and Bolts (or Members throwing weapon) that allows you to use a shield is one alternative for rangers; run into the ruins along the walls of her chamber, she will ignore you, and her fire can't reach you. This is good for rangers and mages.

Go to your ship (The Lady Lumbridge). Go down a deck and talk to Ned. Off to Crandor!

When you get to Crandor, your ship'll be banged up. Walk off the ship and go up the hill. Follow the path until you reach some King Scorpions. Evade them and walk north until you get to another up point. Go up past here, and dodge the Lesser Demon. Go down the cave opening.

Dodge the Skeletons down here and walk further past the stronger Skeletons. Go through the door.

CAUTION: I'd take your potions RIGHT NOW if you have any. If you forgot to bring your Anti-dragon shield, I'd suggest you go get it before even attempting to kill Elvarg.

This is it. Attack Elvarg (level 83). She hits quite hard for a level 83. When I fought her, she maxed out a 10 (with melee, she can hit to 65 with her breath if you aren't wearing your shield). Eat when you need to, and make sure you don't die.

When you beat her, you'll be transported outside her cage. Don't freak out if a skeleton gets you, just walk towards the Lesser Demons (lvl-82) south and go through the "secret" wall. The command should be "Open". Your character will "memorize" the location for future use.

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